Traditional Model Generally pursued by recent MBA graduates, but open to anyone. Searchers raise a pool of capital ($400-$600k) to fund a ~2 year search and then investors have a ROFR on the acquisition found by the searcher. Self Funded: The “self-funded” part of self-funded search refers to funding the costs of finding and closing a deal. It does not mean you have to self-fund all the capital required to actually purchase the company.
1.Underwriting hurdle very high
2.No hard commitment
3.No broad control
4.Search capital too expensive. Cons
1.Typically must acquire a small business
2.Lack of credibility with sellers
3.Needs large amounts of savings or to stay in job at the same time
4.Need to PG debt
1.Investor network and support
2.Ability to acquire larger targets
3.Credibility with sellers/ certainty of funds
4.Financial security during search Pros
  1. Better overall searcher economics 2.Majority ownership and control from closing 3.Flexibility on deal type 4.Ability to search part time Control of your destiny. Having the option to own your business forever. Raise money from individual investors (as opposed to funds that need to return capital) who are aligned with a 20+ year vision. A self-funded search generally results in higher total equity ownership and governance control of the company for the searcher. | | Investor base -Institutional, typically underwriting at 35% IRR base cases | Investor base -Individual, typically underwriting risks on a case by case basis but often at -30% IRR | | Searcher Economics -25% common equity vested 1/3 at acquisition, 1/3 over 4 years, 1/3 at exit linearly from 25-35% IRR | Searcher Economics -% of common equity dictated by deal economics and state of market but typically ranging between 60-80% | | Acquisition -Search rounder investors get ROFR -Search round rolled into acquisition equity at 50% markup | Acquisition -Must raise all equity capital upon acquisition | | Search round -$300k for 2 years’ salary and $200k for search expenses ($500k total) | No Search round -Entrepreneur funds all living expenses and some search expenses |

"Alternative" ETA models has become a popular topic at business schools around the country. 1.

Self funded 3. solo sponsored 4. geographic based 5. greenfield 6. roll up 7. apprenticeship 8. holding co. What am I missing?

(b): Searcher uses personal $ to find a business to acquire, but then raises outside $ (potentially from traditional search investors) to finance the acquisition. This allows more freedom when selecting investors/terms at the time of the acquisition.